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Slawomir Kroczak Presents SmartyMeet in Startup Showcase during WebSummit 2023

Explore SmartyMeet's impactful presence at WebSummit 2023 with CEO Slawomir Kroczak's presentations in the Startup Showcase and the 40 Words segment

WebSummit Keynote | Startup Showcase | The Future of Work | SmartyMeet

Looking back on WebSummit 2023, we're proud to highlight our CEO, Slawomir Kroczak’s dynamic presentations in both the Startup Showcase and the 40 Words segment, marking an impactful presence for SmartyMeet at one of the largest global technology conferences.

In-Depth Presentation at Startup Showcase

WebSummit's Startup Showcase provided a platform for Slawomir to outline how SmartyMeet is addressing key challenges in the HR tech industry. Adhering to the format's rules, he effectively used the allocated two minutes to emphasize:

  1. The defining issues in the HR tech sector.
  2. SmartyMeet's innovative solutions to these challenges.

This concise, bare-bones presentation style required sharp focus and clarity, allowing Slawomir to succinctly present our vision and strategy.

SmartyMeet in the 40 Words Segment

In addition to the Startup Showcase, SmartyMeet was featured in the 40 Words video segment. This innovative platform allowed us to encapsulate our mission and vision in just 40 words. Our video was played on outdoor screens during the lunch hours each day of the event, offering a quick but impactful glimpse of SmartyMeet to the attendees.

Behind the Scenes: Preparation and Impact

Preparing for these presentations involved a strategic approach, considering the broader context of SmartyMeet within the HR tech industry. Slawomir's stage presence and the ability to distill complex ideas into concise points made our participation memorable.

Gratitude and Looking Forward

We extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who supported and engaged with us during WebSummit 2023. The event was not only a platform for us to showcase our innovations but also an opportunity to connect with like-minded professionals and industry leaders.


Stay tuned for more updates and follow our journey as we continue to innovate and redefine the HR tech space.

Monika Wyszynska

Monika Wyszynska

Monika is a Chief Operation Officer at SmartyMeet, a technology startup that helps leverage the power of AI to Enhance Sales&Support meetings.

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