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Welcoming Paulina to the SmartyMeet and Exploring Our Collective Journey in AI-Enhanced HR

We welcome Paulina, an addition to our team, and delve into how our innovative tool revolutionizes recruitment processes, enhances human connections, and saves time.

Paulina Trafas

Hello, SmartyMeet!

When Sławek, Monika, and Rafał suggested I collaborate in developing SmartyMeet, I didn't hesitate for a moment. Why? I could talk about the great energy this group has (which is evident and important), but what really struck me was how they communicate with each other during our meetings. How they try to reach and understand each other with respect and comprehension, grasping what the other person is trying to say. I hope we find our path together, as it looks promising.

Let's Work Like Humans

Another aspect that made my HR heart beat faster is the fact of providing people with a tool that can genuinely support them in managing themselves and their organization. At this stage, SmartyMeet mainly collaborates with recruiters to help them go through recruitment meetings as efficiently as possible. It suggests how to effectively establish a relationship with candidates, takes care of meeting structure, generates relevant recruitment questions, takes notes, and draws conclusions. According to one of our clients, this saves up to 1.5 hours of a recruiter's work! I remember times when I had 40 open recruitments (I know, sick, never again), no automation tools to help, and how it made me work like... a robot, day after day.

Should We Fear AI (in HR)?

I'll answer with the words of Czesław Miłosz, a Polish Nobel laureate in literature: “In a historical moment when nothing depends on man, everything depends on man." From this point of view, instead of excessive fear or romanticizing the era of collaboration with AI, I'd focus on developing competencies that will make it easier for us to use artificial intelligence and speed up the decision to implement it in organizations. Competencies that can become both our intentions and the values of our organizations. In my opinion, these are curiosity, ethics, and community spirit.

When I talk to people of different ages about how they perceive AI, the most common statement is that yes, they use it, but always check the generated responses. This is fantastic information! AI is meant to provide us with knowledge, perspectives. Let it spark our curiosity, inspire us to dive deeper, look for sources, check, and build upon these ideas. We'll save a ton of time as AI, among other things, will help us in recruitment. Let's use these moments for tasks that add vitality, like working for the well-being of our employees or clients.


Paulina Trafas

Paulina Trafas

Paulina Trafas is an experienced HR professional specialized in People and Culture processes, with a focus on recruitment and talent management. She has a strong background in HR consulting and has contributed significantly to enhancing employee engagement and organizational culture in various companies. Her expertise in identifying and nurturing top talent makes her a key asset in any HR team.

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